Sunday, November 23, 2008

chapter 1/section 2

angel warrior Pictures, Images and Photos

Brass,on the off chance hes around an area long enough to get a pic

For those keeping tabs on why whereabouts, I’m in the U.S. I been traveling by foot for going on a day now. I feel so lost on earth. This feeling of unknown treason that I have committed has left me undefined. I have no idea what I should do from here on out. Should I look for others like me, or just wander the earth for the time left that it has before judgment day. Oh yeah before this train of thought departs, there’s only about ………………4 years left by the predictions God has made .I need help. What should I do?
I’m sorry I need to be so blunt at the moment, but I must leave.
I have come across a group of fallen angels who say they can give me back my wings and some weapons. The battle is coming…………..

When it happens again,it will happen fast.Stay on your toes and await my next blog.



Salom said...

why walk when you can fly?
nice post by the way

Will Has Fallen said...

problem with the pic after falling is that i haven't meet the other fallen angels.they have some kind of alchemy that can give me my wings back.