Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From Flying The Skys ,To Falling In Love.............


I still don't understand. Why would you give up the ultimate paradise for something so tyrannous as love?Why would you just hand over your wings and your power for one is so.......futile.All it takes is for that person not to feel anything for you and then everything you've done had been for nothing. I've seen what it does to humans.they feel utter bliss for moments and then it normally leads to the same thing....suicide.And for a fallen angel ,or even an angel, the choice you make affects not only you but the people your watching over,your fellow angel,and most importantly god.How could you allow yourself to just drop all of these things for one person?

I don't think I will ever understand why but i will stand behind Fallen.He was my teacher,hero,and my best friend.I guess the only reason why i am thinking that why would be because Icarus is taking it so hard and I hate seeing her that way.He was my best friend and I guess I just miss him that's all.

1 comment:

olderbro7 said...

wow great way to put everything